.NET Architecture Weekly #5


.NET Architecture Weekly is a journal about learning software architecture on .NET and not just limited* to .NET only.
PS: Why? Because software architecture designs normally can use in any languages or frameworks :).

Week #5

1) Microservices Architecture Design Patterns – Part 3

XI) Retry Pattern

Retry pattern is a common pattern for recovering from transient errors such as errors that occur for a short period of time. The retry can be implemented in different ways such as Fixed delay, Incremental delay, Exponential Backoff and etc.

title: Retry Pattern
flowchart LR
    task(Task Service) --x|Request 1| notif(Notification Service)
    task --x |Fixed Delay - Request 2| notif
    task --x |Increment Delay - Request 3| notif
    task --x |Exponential Backoff - Request 4| notif
    notif --> |Response or give up| task

    style task fill:#0f0
    style notif fill:#ff0
    linkStyle 0,1,2,3 stroke:#f00, 2px; 
    linkStyle 4 stroke:#0f0, 2px;

XII) Sidecar Pattern

Sidecar pattern is used to promote separation of concerns by offloading processing of some kind to a separate / side module that gets along with a primary app. Common sidecar modules are logging service, configuration service, monitor service and etc.

title: Sidecar Pattern
flowchart TD
    main[Primary App] <--> log(Logging Service)
    main <--> config(Configuration Service)
    main <--> monitor(Monitoring Service)
    subgraph Sidecar
        log <--> config
        config <--> monitor
        monitor <--> log

    style main fill:#0f0
    style log fill:#ff0
    style config fill:#f66
    style monitor fill:#0ff

XIII) Strangler / Vine Pattern

Strangler / Vine pattern is a pattern that gradually migrates parts of a monolith to fully microservices architecture.

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'default' , 'themeVariables': {
              'cScale0': '#ff0000', 'cScaleLabel0': '#ffffff',
              'cScale1': '#00ff00',
              'cScale2': '#0000ff', 'cScaleLabel2': '#ffffff'
       } } }%%
    title Strangling the Todo monolith app
        section Monolith
            Jan : Monolith (API Gateway, User, Task, Notification)
        section Monolith + Microservices
            Feb : Monolith (User, Task, Notification) : Service API Gateway
            Mar : Monolith (Task, Notification) : Service API Gateway : Service User
            Apr : Monolith (Notification): Service API Gateway : Service User : Service Task
        section Microservices
            May : Service API Gateway : Service User : Service Task : Service Notification

XIV) Aggregator Pattern

The Aggregator pattern is a composition pattern in microservices architecture. It looks quite similar with API Gateway pattern initially from diagram, but if you go in detail, the key difference is it will composite response from other services.

title: Aggregator Pattern
graph LR
  GW[API Gateway] --> Agg[Post Aggregate]
  subgraph Aggregator
    Agg -->|REST call| A[Post Service]What 
    Agg -->|REST call| B[Comment Service]
    Agg -->|REST call| C[Share Service]
    A -->|DB call| D[DB A]
    B -->|DB call| E[DB B]
    C -->|DB call| F[DB C]
  style Agg fill:#f9d0c4
  style GW fill:#f0b37e
  style A fill:#a9dc76
  style B fill:#a9dc76
  style C fill:#a9dc76
  style D fill:#78dce8
  style E fill:#78dce8
  style F fill:#78dce8

XV) Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Chain of Responsibility Pattern combines multiple chained outputs and returns it as a single output. A client sends a request to Service A, and from A to Service B and to Service C, then from C, it returns to B and back to A, lastly, it’s from A, it returns response to the client. Therefore, the chains should not be too many, else it will be slowing down the response.

title: Chain of Responsibility Pattern
graph RL
    UI[Browser] <--> GW[API Gateway]
    GW --> |1. REST call| A[Service A] 
    subgraph Chained 
        A -->|2. REST call| B[Service B] 
        B -->|3. REST call| C[Service C] 
        C -->|4. Response C| B 
        B -->|5. Response B+C| A 
    A -->|6. Response A+B+C| GW

    style UI fill:#f9d0c4 
    style GW fill:#f0b37e 
    style A fill:#a9dc76 
    style B fill:#a9dc76 
    style C fill:#a9dc76 

    linkStyle default stroke:#000, 1px; 
    linkStyle 1,2,3 stroke:#00f, 2px; 
    linkStyle 4,5,6 stroke:#0f0, 2px;


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